
Example 1

In this example we show basic operations how to create and access specific sets or processor groups. To start we begin by importing the necessary modules.

# ==============================================================================
# Import modules
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from mpi4py import MPI
from multipoint import multiPointSparse

In this example we assume we have two codes or processor sets, codeA and codeB. We assume 3 instances of codeA where each instance requires 3, 2, and 1 processors. For set codeB we assume only 1 instance that requires 4 processors. Following the creation of the points sets the communicators are created.

# ==============================================================================
# Processor allocation
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# Instantiate the multipoint object
MP = multiPointSparse(MPI.COMM_WORLD)

# Add all processor sets and create the communicators
MP.addProcessorSet("codeA", 3, [3, 2, 1])
MP.addProcessorSet("codeB", 1, 4)
comm, setComm, setFlags, groupFlags, ptID = MP.createCommunicators()

# Extract setName on a given processor for convenience
setName = MP.getSetName()

# Create all directories for all groups in all sets
ptDirs = MP.createDirectories("./output")

# For information, print out all values on all processors
    f"setName={setName}, comm.rank={comm.rank}, comm.size={comm.size}, setComm.rank={setComm.rank}, setComm.size={setComm.size}, setFlags={setFlags}, groupFlags={groupFlags}, ptID={ptID}"

Printing all values gives the following:

setName=codeA, comm.rank=1, comm.size=3, setComm.rank=1, setComm.size=6, setFlags={'codeA': True, 'codeB': False}, groupFlags=[ True False False], ptID=0
setName=codeA, comm.rank=2, comm.size=3, setComm.rank=2, setComm.size=6, setFlags={'codeA': True, 'codeB': False}, groupFlags=[ True False False], ptID=0
setName=codeA, comm.rank=0, comm.size=2, setComm.rank=3, setComm.size=6, setFlags={'codeA': True, 'codeB': False}, groupFlags=[False  True False], ptID=1
setName=codeA, comm.rank=1, comm.size=2, setComm.rank=4, setComm.size=6, setFlags={'codeA': True, 'codeB': False}, groupFlags=[False  True False], ptID=1
setName=codeA, comm.rank=0, comm.size=1, setComm.rank=5, setComm.size=6, setFlags={'codeA': True, 'codeB': False}, groupFlags=[False False  True], ptID=2
setName=codeB, comm.rank=0, comm.size=4, setComm.rank=0, setComm.size=4, setFlags={'codeA': False, 'codeB': True}, groupFlags=[ True], ptID=0
setName=codeB, comm.rank=1, comm.size=4, setComm.rank=1, setComm.size=4, setFlags={'codeA': False, 'codeB': True}, groupFlags=[ True], ptID=0
setName=codeB, comm.rank=2, comm.size=4, setComm.rank=2, setComm.size=4, setFlags={'codeA': False, 'codeB': True}, groupFlags=[ True], ptID=0
setName=codeB, comm.rank=3, comm.size=4, setComm.rank=3, setComm.size=4, setFlags={'codeA': False, 'codeB': True}, groupFlags=[ True], ptID=0
setName=codeA, comm.rank=0, comm.size=3, setComm.rank=0, setComm.size=6, setFlags={'codeA': True, 'codeB': False}, groupFlags=[ True False False], ptID=0

To perform operations on all processors in a set we can use the setFlags. This is convenient if we want to perform the same operation on all processors in a given set. Furthermore, if we want to access only a specific group in a set, the ptID can be conveniently used as shown.

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# Problem setup
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# To perform operations on all processors in a set we can use the setFlags
if setFlags["codeA"]:  # Alternatively, setName == "codeA" could be used here
    # ...
    # To access a particular group within the set can be done using the ptID
    # Here we access only the processors in the first group
    if 0 == ptID:
        print(f"setName={setName} comm.rank={comm.rank} ptID={ptID}")

    # To access all groups (but still a specific one) we simply loop over the size of the set
    for i in range(setComm.size):
        if i == ptID:
            print(f"setName={setName} comm.rank={comm.rank} ptID={ptID} i={i}")

# Similarly, for the other processor set
if setFlags["codeB"]:
    for i in range(setComm.size):
        if i == ptID:
            print(f"setName={setName} comm.rank={comm.rank} ptID={ptID} i={i}")